Scar contracture plasty
About 2 years have passed since the 1st surgery When opening the mouth wide, a sticking sensation occurs. This is due to the fact that...
Keloids due to burns
6 years old: male Seven months after a third-degree burn from hot oil at the time of initial examination. The right lower eyelid is...
Keloidectomy of left forearm
This is a patient with extensive and severe keloids after burn injury. He was followed up by plastic surgery at a general hospital with...
Keloid of anterior thoracic region (severe case)
This is a patient with extensive and severe keloids after burn injury. He was followed up by plastic surgery at a general hospital with...
Facial scar contracture plasty, skin valve creation and migration
This patient has a scar from a traffic accident on the forehead area. We removed the thick sutures from the emergency room as soon as...
Keloids of auricularia (piercing), severe
Name of procedure Auricular keloidectomy, auricular reconstruction Age Female, in her 20s Treatment details Excision and removal of...
Keloidectomy of left auricle and auricle
Name of procedure Keloidectomy of left auricle and auricle Age In her 20s: Female Treatment details Excision and removal of keloid...